Career Fest 2024
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Connecting jobseekers and employers
with comprehensive services
to prosper in Western Wisconsin
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Tools to help you find employees plus current employment laws
Job Fairs & Career Exploration Events
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About Western Wisconsin Works
Western Wisconsin Works is dedicated to helping individuals overcome employment barriers and achieve success in the workforce. By aligning workforce development, education, and economic development programs, we meet the needs of local employers and support regional strategies.
Our Vision
We envision a thriving community where every individual has the opportunity to succeed in the labor market, and every employer can find the skilled workers they need.
Our Approach
We provide a seamless, one-stop service that connects jobseekers with the resources and support they need to build a successful career.
Our Commitment
We are committed to continuous improvement and rigorous evaluation to ensure our services meet the evolving needs of our community.
What we Do
Whether you’re a jobseeker looking for new opportunities or an employer in need of skilled workers, Western Wisconsin Works is here to help. Explore our comprehensive range of services designed to meet your needs and help you succeed in the labor market.

Comprehensive Job Seeker Support
We offer a full range of services to help jobseekers find employment, build skills, and advance in their careers.

Employer Engagement
Our programs enable businesses to easily identify and hire skilled workers, and provide training and support for their current workforce.

Community Partnerships
We collaborate with local organizations to create a cohesive network of support for jobseekers and employers.